This is a long update, from Gary, so grab a cuppa and sit back!

As most of you are aware, Yvonne and I are in the middle of helping our daughter and her family with their new defence posting to Darwin, as always, every move presents us with challenges and this one is a doozy!

Yvonne, Michelle, and 3 of our grandkids are stuck in a high-rise apartment building in Brisbane with 3 out of the 5 testing positive and feeling it.

Meanwhile, our son-in-law and I did the looooong drive from Brisbane to Darwin (3500km) with one of us testing positive on arrival in the NT prompting us to be placed in Howard Springs ”Centre for National Resilience “ for at least 6 days. While Nick and I get 3 meals a day and don’t have 3 bored kids to entertain while feeling the effects of this, Yvonne and Michelle have to entertain and feed all 5 of them in isolation, and I wish I was there to do my share.

We really appreciate Sandra & Debbie, Yvonne’s sisters, for keeping the shop going while all this hoohaa is going on, and I know I left a bit of shoomozzle behind for them to contend with, honestly we were only going to be gone for “a few days!”And finally to our friends, who are also our customers, for their support and well wishes, and for putting up with no workshops or classes this month or Yvonne’s creative input or my my cups of tea and coffee!

Once again, thank you all!